
Getting a good night’s sleep is a critical wellness practice that contributes to better overall function. Despite the appealing outcome of waking up feeling well-rested and refreshed, people throughout the world suffer in pursuit of the “recipe” to a proper night of sleep. The CDC claims that “about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems.” These sleep conditions include, but are not limited to, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea. The CDC also acknowledges that lack of sufficient sleep can contribute to accidents and injuries, the development of… Read more
By Dante Jordan Cannabis and nature go together like, well, cannabis and nature. Few things feel as good as taking a pull off your ABX GSC cart and staring at the ocean for the next few hours. And with the pandemic shutting down the world as we know it, we are all seeking day trips and outdoor getaways more than ever. Luckily for people in California, open roads; scenic views; and state parks are plentiful. On any adventure, it’s important to remember to take all COVID-related precautions. Safety measures vary by state, but generally, make sure to maintain social distancing, wear masks over… Read more
The world is a wildly different place than it was 10 days ago and seems to be ever-evolving at an hourly rate. With so much uncertainty, it’s important to know that you can rely on AbsoluteXtracts to help get you through each day. Today, we’ll answer some of the burning questions you may have about where to purchase, what to steer clear of, and how to best maintain your products safely.  General Knowledge Remember to keep calm and remain home as necessary if asked to do so. California is currently under a state-wide “stay at home” order to limit the spread of COVID-19. As community members… Read more
The hustle of life has its benefits and limitations. When it becomes too much, us hustlers look to blow off some steam. We all have our way of doing that: some people work out, some people go out, some run, and some light up. But have you thought about meditation? Though the pair have had a long, loving relationship that dates back centuries, cannabis and meditation have recently been making headlines in the US market. While in no means a new concept, big corporations, like Google, have been incorporating and encouraging meditation in the workplace--which makes sense because work is… Read more
More isn’t necessarily always better – work, dirty dishes, ants. Not all people like getting super high, and if you fall into that category, microdosing might be a better option for you. Less is more when microdosing. Promoting well-being while preventing paranoia, microdosing is also a beneficial creative instigator, a way to put pen to paper or give you a lift at work. I’m the kind of person that documents life events by journaling. I have my fair share of journals I keep solely for the purpose of writing down my profound and wild ideas while under the influence of cannabis. Often times,… Read more
Cannabinoids feel good. And so does sex. We won't beat around the bush here, so make sure if you’re at work to bookmark this for a later reading. Sex. Cannabis. Both of which were once uncomfortable subjects to talk about, now, we can't escape. The word on the street is that they’re synonymous since scientists are finding endocannabinoids highly active in our state of arousal and responsible for the rush of delight we feel when we’re active. I’ll save you the lecture on Kamasutra and go right into the many cannabis benefits found in bed: It Feels Great Sex does too, though cannabis,… Read more
By Seasoned Stoner Hiking is fun, but highking (hiking high) is even more fun. If you like reaching the summit and experiencing extraordinary views accompanied by the happy high produced by endorphins, adding the right cannabis strain to your hiking regimen will guarantee an absolute adventure. Since we’re avid hikers, we took it upon ourselves to determine the best of our 18 strain-specific vapes to give you the top five that are sure to enhance your hiking experience. Blue Dream The moment you take your first inhale of Blue Dream, the smooth vapor will release your mind straight onto… Read more
One of the hottest new buzzwords in the industry, “microdosing” is making its way into the day-to-day lives of people who may have never heard the term before. If you’re not hip with the lingo, microdosing is when you take a small amount of cannabis to create a specific effect without getting too high. Now, you may be thinking, “Wait, the biggest benefit of cannabis is getting high!” In fact, cannabis has many benefits, and by microdosing, you experience those benefits while not having to experience the high that normally goes along with cannabis use. If you’re interested in the benefits of… Read more